I know that by the end of your journey to becoming a CPA, you’re tired of sitting through long exams. However, since the passing score is 90%, you have to be careful when reading and selecting the correct answer for the questions. You will have plenty of time to take the test and answer all of the questions. The exam is more like a self-study, open-book test. Although most states use AICPA’s Comprehensive Ethics Course and Exam, some use their own materials 5. (And speaking of not spending too much of your money, remember that I have exclusive offers for discounts and promo codes to help you save money on your path to becoming a CPA.) 4. Please double-check and see if this exam is necessary – it’s not that hard if you follow my steps to passing it the first time, but you still don’t want to waste your time and money if you don’t need it in your state.
To learn how to check on the requirements in your state, check out my post CPA Requirements by State. No, only 35 or so state boards require their to-be-CPAs to take an ethics exam. Does Every State Require You to Take an Ethics Exam? The course can be taken online or through mail correspondence. Also, to help you prepare, AICPA offers a self-study Ethics Course. It is graded by the American Institute of CPAs. The exam is an open-book, multiple-choice test that covers essential accounting ethics concepts. What Is the AICPA’s Comprehensive Ethics Course and Exam, Exactly?
While some states administer their own ethics exam or courses, most state boards use the AICPA Professional Ethics Exam. Frequently Asked Questions About the Ethics Exam 1. Since most states require you to complete the Ethics Exam within one to two years of passing the CPA Exam, you don’t have to rush to take it. Most candidates take the exam after passing the Uniform CPA Exam.

The CPA Ethics Exam is required by many (but not all) state boards for CPA licensing in the US. The exam will assess how potential CPAs will address complicated situations within appropriate ethical principles. Since CPAs deal with sensitive and confidential information, they need to have a clear understanding of ethical codes to ensure their financial integrity.īefore taking the exam, candidates should study the profession’s rules of professional conduct. The exam helps aspiring CPAs prepare for complicated ethical problems they might encounter in their professional careers. Most states use the CPA Ethics Exam that is written and administered by the AICPA, which is the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. You don’t want to let this last CPA requirement trip you up. But since many states require the exam, it’s important to take it seriously. Overview of the CPA Ethics Examĭon’t worry: the ethics exam is not nearly as lengthy or involved as the “core” exam. However, some would-be CPA candidates don’t realize that many states have a 4th E – ethics – covered by an ethics examination that must be taken in addition to the “core” CPA Exam.

Most future CPAs know they have to pass the 4-part CPA Exam, but did you know that some candidates also must take the CPA ethics exam as well?